When you are building your Network Marketing business as an Internet Marketer, what you may or may not realize is that you are also building a brand. That brand is yourself - "You Inc."
However you are building your business, i.e. marketing strategy, Web 2.0, pay per click advertising, networking on forums, etc., if you make the mistake of not being YOU, you risk losing - losing out on prospects converting, losing out on existing team members, and losing out on making REAL money!
How many times have you seen some newbie or old-school MLM'r simply cutting and pasting the same text, the same welcome message, the same 'Download my free 10-tips to success E-book'?
Who are these people?
These people are doing what they have been told to do by their old-school network marketing company, which is to 'dump' information on the prospect and to 'tell' the prospect what they need to do.
There is a word for this: 'WRONG"!
Of course there is a better way (notice I didn't say a 'right' way...) and that's called, 'Be Your Best Self' or 'Be inspired'.
Inspired is derived from the Latin, 'in spiritus', which literally means, 'being in spirit'. In terms we can use for this article, it means being in your spirit, your soul, your highest or best self - and NOT being in your ego (need, desperation, fear, greed, etc.).
Being in your highest self (being inspired) comes from a place of love, gratitude, and inner peace. In this place of inspiration we can take what would appear to be risks. Like asking someone first how YOU can help them - not saying a word about your opportunity. Or not hiding behind a selling-posture that you have been taught, or reading verbatim a script you have been told to follow when speaking with a prospect. Instead, you go with the flow depending on what is directly in front of you.
I am not saying you can 'wing it' and achieve massive success - you still need a system, a product, and a strategy (or two or three) and a willingness to continually learn and then apply what you have learned to improve and grow as a person.
Learning to take more risks and not to hide your true self will bring you the greatest joy and true abundance.
This is one of the Key Principle of Attraction Marketing. The new breed of Internet Marketers know that what people want, desperately, is leadership.
Almost anyone can be a leader and many people do lead, BUT what makes an 'Inspired Leader'?
Look for some very common traits to determine who is inspired and who is not: honesty, a strong drive and passion for what that leader does, gratitude, a keen interest in helping and, you guessed it, INSPIRING others.
When a leader inspires someone else, that leader is only showing the interested prospect a mirror - a mirror the prospect looks into to see who they really are, to recognize their potential, and their strengths.
If you have ever had a conversation with an inspired leader you probably felt wonderful inside and couldn't stop thinking about YOUR dreams and goals for long afterwards.
Someone once said that you absorb the characteristics of what you are constantly exposed to. So if you hang out with losers you will start thinking like one. Conversely, if you surround yourself with successful people and inspired leaders, you will become one.
Remember this: it is not the company, or the product or the compensation plan that makes the person successful. It is the BEST that is inside of you. When you love what you do, other people will pick up your passion for what you want to accomplish but they won't feel threatened by it, rather they will be attracted to you and what you have to offer.
True inspiration is 2-sided - both people learn and grow by helping each other in their own way. The greatest success is built by inspiring others to succeed.
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